Jonnerzz's Blog

The story begins………..please add to it with comments

Posted in Romance Book by jonnerzz on 12/09/2009
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~ Introduction ~

The air was dry, with a hint of a breeze, the corn in the fields listing gently with each gasp of wind blowing. The sun was blazing down with not a cloud in the sky. In the distance a tractor can be seen lazily making it’s way across a field carrying it’s load of hay to the barns. Suddenly the roar of a small sports roadster can be heard, carrying behind it a plume of dust, top down we see a young woman, dark sun glasses, and blonde hair blowing in the wind. She has one thing on her mind,

“I must get there, already late”.

Her destination was the airport, she looks at her watch,

“he will be landing now”.

She looks ahead and accelerates. With a smile on her face she makes haste.
At 15,000 feet he sits on the plane anxious at this first meeting, the plane had already been delayed because of bad weather leaving home, he was already thirty minutes late.
She arrives at the airport and parks the car and runs to arrivals, checks the arrivals board and see’s that it’s not her but him that is going to be late.
Time for a coffee, she makes her way to the cafe and orders and takes a seat, she is too nervous to drink, she looks around disbelieving the late arrival of her loves flight, she checks again, twenty minutes until it lands. She settles down and tries to enjoy one of her few vices, fresh ground coffee, it was one of the few she allowed herself on a regular basis. She stared out the window watching aircraft coming and going, anxious and excited at meeting this electronic friend, thoughts racing through her mind,

“is it really him in the pictures, but it must be we chatted live with video”, “should I really be doing this?”.

But these thoughts had gone through her mind a million times before.
On the final approach, the captain announces,

“ladies and gentlemen please fasten your seat belts”,

“this is it, I have arrived” he thought.

She leaves the cafe having not been able to finish her coffee, excitement had take hold, any minute he will be walking through the doors, and she makes her way to the arrivals area hoping to see him as soon as possible. Hundreds of people from far flung destinations are arriving at the same time. She feels her heart rate rise, the anticipation of waiting for over a year for this meeting.
He collects his baggage and carries it out with him, all of the baggage carts are taken, fortunately his bags are out first, he grabs them and walks briskly towards the customs desk, hoping he will not be stopped and delayed any further from meeting his love.
She stands watching every tall man with slightly greying hair, looking for an acknowledging smile, none yet, thoughts are racing through her mind,

“did he change his mind and get off the plane”,

realising that he had phoned from the plane she relaxes.
As he approaches the main doors he pauses momentarily and takes a deep breath to calm himself as he walks through the arrivals door. At first he does not see her, then he hears it,

“Chris, Chris”,

he looks to his right and see’s a picture of beauty, he walks faster as she runs to him, he drops his bags as she jumps into his arms, they embrace tightly. Holding on to each other like their lives depended on it, kissing and hugging each other warmly.

They kissed for the first time; it was a long passionate kiss.
It felt like they had known each other for years, everything felt so natural, after all they had been discussing every aspect of each other in the preceding year.
They released each other from their embrace, each taking a step back to look at each other in the flesh, as before now all they had seen of each other were photographs and grainy webcam views, he looked at her and saw a gorgeous blonde a little taller than he expected, she stood at just under six feet tall. She stood there looking at him, with deep sea blue eyes, admiring the distinguished swept back greying hair, remembering his own description,

“dark with go faster stripes”,

she tittered to herself with excitement and decided it was time to go.

“We had better be off, don’t want to get stuck in the traffic”,

he agreed and picked up his bags. As they walked out she linked arms and pulled him close to her, never wanting to let go. They got to the car and placed the bags in the trunk, he got into the passenger side and she the drivers, just as she was about to put the key in the ignition he placed his hand on her shoulder and reached out for her hand, he drew her close to him, she responded, wanting to feel him close to her. She turned her face to his and their lips met, this time gently and softly, the way they had spoken about numerous times before, but this was real, it was really happening, she opened her lips slightly to taste his lips, to feel the warmth of his breath on hers, he gently slipped the tip of his tongue onto her lips, she respond by meeting his tongue with hers. The excitement was electric, nothing else mattered in the world, and this moment belonged to Chris and Angelique or Angel as he called her. Their moment was short lived by another motorist knocking on the car window,

“are you leaving”,

“oh yes, yes” Angel said nervous with excitement.
Its not long before they are out of the airport and back in the countryside, racing along lonely isolated country roads, he is admiring the beauty of the landscape laid out before him while she concentrates on driving while taking the occasional glance at her passenger, and smiling to herself thinking,

“he is gorgeous, I’ve waited this long, I can wait until I get home”,

as she tries to control her passion, she reaches out and places her hand on his leg, he responds automatically as if he had done it a thousand times before and holds her hand. They look at each other and smile, a knowing smile. They grip each others hands spontaneously, feeling the warmth from each other, she releases her grip and continues to drive, and he reaches behind her head and runs his hand through hair, and gently massages the back of her neck. She protests, asking him to stop and she feels the warm glow send shivers up her spine,

“we do want to get home in one piece”, she says,

“we are nearly there, its up there”,

she points to a cottage on the side of a hill surrounded by golden fields with a backdrop of forests, trees of all kinds, the colours are in their full autumnal bloom, gold’s, reds, yellows. Behind the forests in the distance lay the snow covered peaks of a magnificent mountain range; the sun reflects of them a red fiery glow.  She turns into the drive; it’s a long slow weaving drive that took you around to the back of the house. We had arrived, she got out excitedly and ran around to the passenger side of the car, allowed him to get out and then embraced him again, and she firmly wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he placed his arms around her waist. They felt each other bodies pressed close together as they had wanted to do so many times before but distance had prevented.

“Let me show you the house” she said,

and led Chris by the hand to the front patio, the view overlooking the country was glorious the fields stretched for miles, in the distance the sea lay with the sun glistening and shimmering on the waves.

“Absolutely amazing” he exclaimed,

as the scenery took his breath away. As the sun started to set, she again hugged him closely and kissed him dearly, a kiss of a lover so in love, he reciprocated and they embraced each other tightly. He slowly started to kiss her neck and tops of her shoulders and inhaled the smell of bergamot from her hair, as he slowly moved his hands up her back to her shoulders, she gave a slight gasp as he touched her neck and jaw line, he placed both of his hands on her face and touched gently, drawing her lips to his. He kissed her gently wanting to feel the softness, the delicate lips, she responded by kissing him passionately and tasting his lips against hers.  Their tension was broken by the sound of a phone ringing, she ran to take it. He went back to the car to remove his bags from the trunk, and made his way inside, she is chatting away on the phone,

“he is here”,she says with a big grin on her face, gesturing for him to go to the bedroom to leave his bags.  She carries on her conversation with her mother as he makes his way to the bedroom, he walks in and there in the middle of the room is a classic four poster bed with lace draped over the sides, he decides to take a shower, after all it was a long trip and eleven hours on a plane does wear you out. He goes into the bathroom and turns the shower on and goes back to the bedroom and get a change of clothes, he undresses and heads for the shower, after a couple of minutes of washing the days travels from his body,  he hears Angel call from the living room,

“yes honey, I’m in the shower”,

“okay”, she answers.

She stands outside her own bedroom wanting to go in and see this man for herself but is over come with nerves,

“what is wrong, you have spoken to him in depth about everything”, she thought to herself,

“Angel, I forgot to get a towel, would you mind grabbing one for me?”, he shouted from the shower.

“Okay babe”, she replied.

“At last a reason to go in”, she thought.

She went and fetched a towel and approached the bedroom, all the while thinking,

“he needs the towel”,

she walked in just as he turned the shower off,

nervously she called him, “Chris, I have a towel here for you”,

he reaches out from the bathroom and takes the towel, and soon after walks out with the towel wrapped around him. Still wet from the shower she tries to avert her eyes, suddenly overcome with shyness, he see’s her nervousness and walks over to her and puts his arms around her, she relaxes and puts arms around his waist, rests her head on his shoulder, feeling the wetness on his skin she kisses him and savours the taste of the water and his skin. She looks into his eyes and before she can say anything he tells her,

“I love you”,

she kisses him firmly on the lips, stops and tells him,

“as I do you”